Letter to the Editor: Committed to the environment

To the Editor,

In Mayor Kristin McLaughlin and Courtney Peters-Manning we have two candidates for Hopewell Township Committee who have repeatedly demonstrated their qualifications to govern, especially in their commitment to protecting and enhancing our environment.

Kristin, who has served our township as a committee member for the past three years, brings invaluable deep experience and knowledge of the township’s needs and challenges, and has demonstrated she has what it takes to successfully navigate the increasingly complex issues facing our township. A passionate opponent of the PennEast Pipeline, she traveled at her own expense to meet with FERC officials and make them aware of the disastrous consequences it would have on our area.

Courtney is the director of finance for a small school and well understands the budgeting process as well as the compromises required to make it all work. She is also an environmental lawyer by training and practice who sits on the boards of both FoHVOS (Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space) and the LHT (Lawrence-Hopewell Trail) and has testified in front of NJ legislative committees against the PennEast Pipeline—expertise and experience that would serve the township well.

It’s clear to me that Kristin and Courtney are exactly who we need on the Hopewell Township Committee, and I urge you to vote for them on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Susan McCabe
Hopewell Township