Letter to the Editor: Bill Herbert to represent Hopewell Township

To the Editor,
I am writing to endorse Bill Herbert as a candidate to represent Hopewell Township on the Hopewell Valley Regional School District Board of Education. I have known Bill and his family for about 17 years and consider it a privilege to call him my friend. Bill is a devoted family man. He has shown his commitment to his family and community by spending many hours volunteering with Hopewell Valley youth sports and his church.
Bill has an extensive background as a finance professional. His comprehensive knowledge of financial matters will be a great asset to the board of education.
He has the business experience to make tough and thoughtful decisions and the cordial temperament required to work with a diverse team of board members.
I have observed that Bill is an extremely hard worker both in his professional career and his personal life. Bill is a very ethical person and has a very strong sense of responsibility and loyalty to his family including extended family and friends. As a friend, I have observed him make well thought out decisions. He uses his time and resources carefully and wisely while still being generous with both.

I would trust Bill to help me with financial matters and I would like you to consider trusting him to wisely use your tax dollars to support and further improve our great schools. I enthusiastically endorse my friend Bill Herbert to represent Hopewell Township on the Hopewell Valley Regional School District Board of Education.

John C. Raskin 