Former Jackson zoning board members continue to call for councilman’s resignation

JACKSON – Sheldon Hofstein and Joseph Sullivan, two former members of the Jackson Zoning Board of Adjustment, are continuing to call on Township Councilman Ken Bressi to step down from the governing body.

Hofstein and Sullivan fired their latest salvos at Bressi during the council’s Oct. 15 meeting.

During a council meeting on Sept. 10, Hofstein claimed Bressi, who also serves on the Jackson Planning Board, had been involved in issues concerning development in neighboring Lakewood.

Hofstein asked Bressi what he was trying to accomplish behind the backs of residents and the council.

On Oct. 15, Hofstein once again claimed Bressi has been involved in issues concerning development in Lakewood. He asked Bressi to provide the questions and answers from a meeting he allegedly had with groups from Lakewood to avoid any perception of collusion.

“We should all note that the three Lakewood groups involved are concerned about regional planning, zoning, infrastructure and housing,” Hofstein said.

Hofstein asked why a member of the council and the planning board would represent Jackson without consulting his fellow council members and the township attorney.

Bressi did not respond to Hofstein.

“You (Bressi) were elected and took an oath of office to represent Jackson, not Lakewood. If you want to speak as a private resident then please resign from the Planning Board,” Hofstein said.

Hofstein referenced a Tri-Town News article that was published after the Sept. 10 council meeting. He quoted Bressi, who said in the article he would not resign from the Township Council.

Hofstein said Bressi’s quote in the article was, “I stand by the facts and I am not paying attention to the other stuff … give me facts.”

“No, Mr. Bressi, you give us the facts,” Hofstein said.

During his remarks, Sullivan asked Bressi why he has not recused himself on two applications that are before the Planning Board: the Jackson Trails and Jackson Park residential developments.

“How is it that the man most responsible for the Township Council allowing Jackson Trails and Jackson Park to be part of the township’s (affordable) housing settlement, that you have not recused yourself from the Planning Board on these two applications?

“Given the fact that (Bressi) is the man who spearheaded (those two proposed developments) being part of the (affordable) housing settlement, isn’t that a conflict of interest?” Sullivan asked.

Bressi did not respond to the comments Hofstein and Sullivan made during the Oct. 15 meeting.