Letter to the Editor: McLaughlin and Peters-Manning understand environmental issues

To the Editor,

Mayor Kristin McLaughlin and fellow township committee candidate Courtney Peters-Manning understand environmental issues and how to respond to them.

McLaughlin has resolutely led efforts to combat the unneeded PennEast pipeline from its destruction of public preserved lands recently saved at great cost with taxpayer monies and private contributions. She has traveled twice to Washington, D.C., at her own expense, to meet directly with the commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the federal agency with pipeline oversight.

Peters-Manning has also taken necessary steps to protect our rural character in the face of development pressure in and around the township, helping preserve our community through her time on the planning board and work with FoHVOS.

Both candidates have the temperament and experience to work with our residents and professionals to help come to grips with difficult decisions on future development.

McLaughlin and Peters-Manning are true allies for open space and preservation of fragile ecosystems. If you care about the valley’s natural beauty then one of the most important things you can do is vote for Kristin McLaughlin and Courtney Peters-Manning for township committee on Nov. 5.

Carol Kleis