Monroe voters need Candidates Forum to hear issues before Election Day


In Monroe Township, many voters live in adult communities where local candidates for mayor and council do not have the opportunity to go door-to-door. Others work at jobs with long commutes. The League of Women Voters (LWV) scheduled a Candidates Forum at the Monroe Senior Center on Oct. 16 so that all the township residents could meet the candidates and hear their answers firsthand.

Unfortunately, there was a bad weather report and the Candidates Forum was cancelled. However, the Board of Education did hold its meeting that evening and a few hundred residents attended.

The LWV worked diligently with the Senior Center and was able to reschedule the Forum for Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. and asked all the candidates to confirm their availability.  All the Republican candidates – Charles Dipierro, Pete LoPresti and I – confirmed, however one or more of Monroe’s incumbents did not. Regrettably, the Candidates Forum for Monroe Township has now been cancelled.

The residents of Monroe need to hear intelligent discussion and have their questions answered regarding the Master Plan, the need for in-house legal and engineering services, our current tax rate, and any other issues that directly affect them.

I have requested that the LWV hold a Candidates Forum with just those candidates who are available. As of this date I have received no response. Hasn’t an incumbent who is running for election, but does not make him or herself available to answer questions, already made a statement?

The public has a right to hear responses from available candidates. Otherwise, on Election Day, the residents of Monroe will be shortchanged.

David Rothman
Candidate for Monroe Township Councilman At-Large