Letter to the Editor: Letter of support for Yan Mei Wang for council

To the Editor,

I first learned about Yan Mei Wang through reading her prior campaign statements in the newspaper. She strikes me as the only candidate who looks into real issues and addresses them through thorough research, continuous learning and communication with residents and by consistently providing data and numbers in all her statements.

After years of me sharing Wang’s information with my community and environment activist high school south sophomore daughter, Arushi Aggarwal, our family met Wang last winter to get involved in township climate actions. Our conversation turned into one that was hours long, with Wang providing us with all the information we needed. This interaction inspired my daughter greatly in her work, and she became a speaker at the recent first Youth UN Climate Action Summit in New York City.

Wang protects our environment through her township organization involvements—the annual spring cleanup event as a Friends of West Windsor Open Space member (the team picked up 400 lbs. of trash along Clarksville Road), the coming bring-your-own popcorn container Peace Day movie night event this November as a West Windsor Human Relations Council member, and the bring-your-own coffee mug Berrien City Neighborhood Association meet and greet event this past June as a neighborhood association steering committee member.

Wang protects our environment through her action as a conscious citizen. I’m impressed with her following environmental achievements:

  1. Founded the West Windsor Plastics for West Windsor Parks program that has already earned a bench for our township. Her campaign team is the only team in this election that uses recyclable campaign signs. These efforts reduce tons of plastic waste for West Windsor every year.
  2. Reduce the West Windsor air pollution by 0.1% and solved the noise pollution problem for hundreds of residents living along Bear Brook Rd by streamlining the Mews apartment complex train station shuttle.
  3. Actively promoted reusable—water bottles, reusable bags, reusable take-out containers, etc. I have also started to bring reusable take-out containers to restaurants and people appreciate it.
  4. The new pavement preservation program implemented this past June—advocated by Wang—will reduce tons of worn tires and pavement material waste and 2% of our air pollution from decreased car emission, thanks to the improved road quality.

These accomplishments demonstrate that Yan Mei is not only a visionary leader, but also has the determination and skill sets necessary to materialize these visions into policies and culture changes by navigating through the complicated, and frequently muddy political environment to get things done. Vote Yan Mei Wang for council; I cannot find a better champion for our township that matches her experience, determination, focus, and passion. Vote Wang, Miller and Lin on Nov. 5.

Gunjan Aggarwal
West Windsor Resident