Letter to the Editor: Don’t be fooled

To the Editor,

There are a handful of issues in this year’s election for Hopewell Township Committee.

We have just witnessed a whopping 4.68% municipal tax increase. By contrast, Mayor McLaughlin’s campaign carts out averages going back in time in an effort to convince voters that all is well. Don’t be fooled.

We have witnessed an expansion of the sewer service area into environmentally stressed lands on the West Side of Scotch Road and new permitted uses there, including a 16-pump gas station and drive through fast food restaurants. McLaughlin’s campaign wants you to believe that they are protectors of the environment. Don’t be fooled.

We have witnessed the passage of PILOT tax agreements that will likely result in much higher school taxes. McLaughlin wants you to believe that a 50% population increase in Hopewell Township will have no effect upon local school populations. Don’t be fooled.

The opposition to the Penn-East pipeline has been bi-partisan and effective. McLaughlin and her campaign want you to think that only democrats care about this issue. Don’t be fooled.

Our Master Plan has been Hopewell Township’s key planning document for two decades, but the township’s affordable housing agreements are wholly inconsistent with the Master Plan. McLaughlin wants you to believe that she has stood up to the corporate interests now descending upon the township. Don’t be fooled.

I am a lifelong democrat, and I will be voting for John Hart and Ed “Jack” Jackowski.

Cheryl Edwards
Hopewell Township