Marder, Scalea win new terms on Marlboro Township Council

MARLBORO – Incumbent Democrats Randi Marder and Michael Scalea were re-elected to four-year terms on the Marlboro Township Council on Election Day, Nov. 5.

According to election results posted by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, Scalea received 3,699 votes, Marder received 3,567 votes and Republican Alan Ginsburg received 3,064 votes. The election results are unofficial until they are certified by county officials. The vote totals do not include late mail-in ballots or provisional ballots that were filled out at polling locations on Election Day.

“I would like to thank the residents for re-electing me to continue doing the work needed to keep Marlboro moving in the right direction,” Marder said. “I am looking forward to another term serving alongside council members Michael Scalea, Jeff Cantor, Scott Metzger and Carol Mazzola, and Mayor Jonathan Hornik. … I am excited to work with our amazing volunteers and municipal employees to keep Marlboro a place we are all proud to call home.”

“It has been a privilege and an honor to serve the community for the past five years,” Scalea said. “I want to thank the residents for having the confidence in me to continue to serve on council. We have an amazing group of administrators and council members, led by our great mayor, Jon Hornik. … I look forward to working with my fellow council members over the next four years.”

“I am amazed at the turnout we got while facing a pair of well-organized incumbents,” said Ginsburg, who was making his first bid for office in Marlboro. “I appreciate all the support I received from the people in Greenbriar, from those who came out to vote for me, from Marlboro Republican Chairman John Gibardi and from Nancy and Jack Williams. It was a great effort and I met a lot of wonderful people along the way. As they say, close but no cigar, but I’m glad I was in the race and I’m willing to try again in the future.”