Red Bank voters approve $6.75M referendum for school upgrades

RED BANK – A $6.75 million bond referendum that proposed improvements to Red Bank Primary School and Red Bank Middle School has been approved by voters in the borough.

The Red Bank Borough Public Schools Board of Education placed the referendum before voters on the Nov. 5.

According to unofficial results posted online by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, the referendum passed with a count of 1,287 “yes” votes to 607 “no” votes. The results are unofficial until they are certified by the county.

The Red Bank Primary School, which educates students in pre-kindergarten through third grade, and Red Bank Middle School, which educates students in grades four through eight, would have repairs and upgrades completed if voters approve the referendum.

According to the school district’s website, the proposed enhancements and repairs would keep Red Bank schools safe, functional and efficient. The referendum proposes the following:

• Remove existing roofing at the primary school and replace with new gutters, downspouts, fascia boards, vented soffits, siding and cupolas;

• Replace the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system at the primary school with a reliable energy efficient system that would reduce monthly utility bills and prevent expensive repairs;

• Replace windows at the middle school with thermal energy efficient windows, replace all deteriorated steel lintels and repair any damaged concrete or slate sills;

• Repair exterior walls of the primary school to limit the potential for water infiltration and reduce future structural problems.

According to the district’s website, the referendum has been approved for up to 40% state funding of eligible costs and will not have an impact on a property owner’s school taxes.