Letter to the Editor: Honored to have been reelected

To the Editor.

I am very honored to have been reelected to Hopewell Township Committee. Courtney Peters-Manning and I learned a great deal from listening to residents as we knocked on doors and spoke with them at events. We heard not only their concerns, but also their vision of the future of the township and how we could move Hopewell Township forward. Voters rightly expect that those who are representing them consider their thoughts and values when making decisions. I always try to learn as much as possible about an issue before I make a decision, and I know that my time listening to residents gives me valuable perspective on challenges facing this community. This election proved that Hopewell Township residents understand that planning for the future with respect for our past is not only possible, but also achievable.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to continue our work toward a Senior and Community Center. In talking to residents, it is clear that they want a place to come together to further a healthy and engaged lifestyle. Another goal of ours is to ensure that Hopewell Township remains the green jewel of Mercer County by working to preserve our open space, and developing our trail network so everyone can enjoy what we’ve worked so hard as a community to protect. I won’t let my guard down on the PennEast Pipeline. I am looking forward to hearing from our Economic and Tourism Advisory Board as we work to support our local business community.

I have enjoyed serving with Mr. Hart for these three years. It takes time, dedication, and a great deal of effort to serve on township committee. I am grateful that he chose to spend some of his time and energy working to benefit his community. Mr. Jackowski was willing to do the same and should be congratulated for his willingness to serve.

Again, I am so grateful to live in this tight-knit and engaged community. I look forward to hearing from anyone who has an idea of how to move the township forward and am excited to continue the work I’ve started. We have a really strong team of smart, committed people on the township committee and I am honored to serve with them.

Kristin McLaughlin
Hopewell Township