Three officers promoted in Hillsborough Township Police Department

Three officers were promoted to new positions for the Hillsborough Township Police Department.

At a Nov. 12 Hillsborough Township Committee meeting, the committee members approved the promotion of three police officers from the township police department to fill vacancies in the position of sergeant.

Jeremy Cuomo, Stephen Nowacki and Robert Meszaros was each sworn in at the November meeting.

Hillsborough Township Mayor Frank DelCore said that due to several other retirees and promotions in the department enacted this year, this prompted multiple promotions for the township police.

Officials have already filled vacancies in the position of lieutenant, which were also the result of recent retirements and the promotion of Police Chief Michael McMahon.

Former Police Chief Darren Powell, Lt. Michael Fitzpatrick and Capt. Charles Boyle retired as of Aug. 1 from the Hillsborough Township Police Department. Powell and Fitzpatrick received proclamations in honor of their retirement at a previous meeting, and Boyle received his proclamation in July.

“As a result of retirements and subsequent promotions, there exists vacancies within the department in the position of sergeant,” DelCore said. “Based on the vast experience base we have within the police department, we are able to promote officers to fill those vacancies.”

Sgt. Cuomo is an 18-year veteran of the police department and worked as an officer in the Patrol Division from 2001 to present, and was appointed Corporal in the Patrol Division in 2017, where he is currently working.

Cuomo has received multiple command citations, commendations, letters of appreciation, and performance notices, for a number of jobs well-done throughout his 18 years of service with the department.

Sgt. Nowacki is a 17-year veteran of the department. During his early career from 2002 to 2017, he worked in the Patrol and Investigation Divisions. He was appointed Corporal in the Patrol Division in February 2017 and has served there for the past two years.

Throughout Nowacki’s 17 years with the department, he has received many commendations, command citations, letters of appreciation and performance notices for a variety of jobs well-done.

Sgt. Meszaros is a 20-year veteran of the department. During his early career, from 1999 to 2005, he was in the Patrol Division. In 2005 he was reassigned to the Investigative Division where he remained until 2015. In 2015, Meszaros was reassigned to the Patrol Division.

He remained there until he was appointed Corporal in the Patrol Division in March of 2016, where he is currently serving. Throughout Meszaros’s 20 years with the department, he has received many commendations, command citations, letters of appreciation and performance notices for a variety of jobs well-done.

At the November meeting, Hillsborough Township Deputy Mayor Doug Tomson and Committeewoman Gloria McCauley, Liaisons to Public Safety, both congratulated all three officers on their promotions. Each officer was joined by Police Chief Michael McMahon and their families for the official swearing-in.

“Once again, we turn to the vast experience within our ranks for these promotions,” Tomson said during the ceremony.