Preservation of greenbelt is a positive step for Allentown

I am writing in response to the Examiner article ” ‘Greenbelt Team’ Will Assist Town.” I am pleased to read about the recent efforts toward preserving Allentown’s historical and clean environment by asserting the need for funds and emphasizing the benefits of incorporating a professional team to promote the Borough Council’s efforts.

I believe environmental preservation and sustainability is such an important cause to maintain in our town.

Part of our sense of community has been built and enjoyed in the usage of our parks, walking trails and open fields, things that not all New Jersey towns still have.

The prospect of development in the community might seem like a positive advancement for some in Allentown, but it strips away the openness and small treasured places that charm people to come and enjoy what’s already here.

I agree with (Allentown Environmental Commission Chairwoman) Nancy Tindall that hiring experts who will promote and effectively argue for the necessity and urgency to protect these greenbelts from being developed is a good strategy the council should consider.

I hope that with the recent authorization of funds for a professional greenbelt team that Allentown’s preserved land will continue to be taken care of, sustained, and maybe even expanded.

Haley Kosco