Annual Stop Hunger drive yields 1,226 pounds of food at Reformed Church Home

OLD BRIDGE – Servicing some 550 residents, Anahita Feltz, manager of the Food Bank of Old Bridge, looks forward to the annual Stop Hunger drive, which collected 1,226 pounds of food and $3,000 in monetary donations, at the Reformed Church Home.

“[The donations] help us through the holiday and helps us remain stocked through January,” she said.

Feltz along with Mayor Owen Henry accepted the donations on Nov. 26 from the campaign partnership drive, which ran from Oct. 15 through Nov. 22, with the Reformed Church Home (RCH), assisted living/skilled nursing community, and Sodexo Senior Services, which provides dining services for the home.

Sodexo Senior Services and Reformed Church Home began the Stop Hunger efforts more than 10 years ago hosting activities for the staff, residents and family members to participate in giving back to the Old Bridge community, Paula LeBlanc, RCH’s director of development, said.

The staff, residents and family members participated in raffle baskets, dress down Fridays, employee week of fun and giving, and Sodexo food initiatives. LeBlanc added their weekend receptionist and neighbors at Maher Manor donated 40 bags of food and their environmental services vendor made donations to raise their fundraising efforts to an even $3,000.

Feltz said the food bank has 153 registered clients, who pick up food once a month. With family members of their registered clients, the food bank services 550 residents, which has grown from last year’s 425 residents.

In November, the food bank provides a Thanksgiving meal basket, which clients pick up the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

This year all the Thanksgiving baskets were sponsored with the help of a $5,000 donation from DuPont, a local manufacturing company in Parlin.

Feltz said sponsorships help the food bank utilize other donations elsewhere and helps the food bank remain stocked throughout slower donation months from January through April.

She said it’s important to note the food bank is open and the need for items is year round. The food bank is always looking for items, which can provide more meals including tuna, ravioli, and pancake mix and syrup as well as applesauce, she said.

During the school year, Feltz said the food bank partners with all the schools in the township to hold food drives.

She said while food is a priority, the food bank also collects toiletries as well through partnerships with gyms and the food bank receives a grant for toilet paper.

For more information about the Food Bank of Old Bridge call 732-721-5600 ext. 2022.