Allentown mayor offers remarks at final meeting

Editor’s note: Allentown Mayor Greg Westfall delivered the following remarks during the Dec. 10 meeting of the mayor and Borough Council. The meeting marked the final one for Westfall, whose term will end this month.

It has been my honor and pleasure to serve Allentownians as your mayor. I have and will continue to enjoy getting to know all of you. We are finally on track to have our waste water treatment plant upgraded with council awarding the contract in October.

We have paid off all of our major open space purchases, including Heritage Park, Breza Preserve and recently preserved Ashby Park in the center of our historic village.

We have formed partnerships and obtained $150,000 in grant funding to preserve Sgt. George Ashby Memorial Park. The Ashby Park Committee with the support of council has made application for a $125,000 grant for the development of this park. We are hoping to hear about the grant later this month.

Further, we have received a $500,000 grant commitment from (the state’s) Green Acres (program) for future open space acquisition. To implement this funding we need to have a willing landowner and partnerships with others to help make open space preservation happen.

We have begun the process for the re-endorsement of our Historic Village status under the New Jersey state plan which needs to be completed by June 2020.

We have reinvigorated the volunteer spirit on our borough boards, committees and commissions. We have done this by reaching out to all local residents who have the passion and/or expertise for whatever a group does. These volunteers have been and are doing amazing things to promote our town.

Going forward, I hope we – government and private – can do what is needed to protect and preserve our historic character.

Looking to the future, I see an Allentown because of its uniqueness that has become a destination for dining, shopping, enjoyment of our natural and historical resources, and continues to be a great and affordable place for individuals and families to live. Thank you.

Greg Westfall is the mayor of Allentown. He took office in January 2016 and will conclude his term at the end of December.