Manalapan will hold reorganization meeting on Jan. 3

MANALAPAN – Two residents will begin serving three-year terms when the Manalapan Township Committee holds its 2020 reorganization meeting at 7 p.m. on Jan. 3 at the municipal building.

That evening, Republicans Mary Ann Musich and Eric Nelson, who were the winners in the Nov. 5 election, will join Republicans Jack McNaboe, Susan Cohen and Barry Jacobson on the dais.

Musich will begin serving her third three-year term and Nelson, who has been serving on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, will begin serving his first three-year term.

The reorganization meeting will see two members of the Township Committee elected by their fellow members to serve as mayor and deputy mayor during 2020.

Committee members will discuss their goals for the new year and make professional appointments, including the township attorney and township engineer. Volunteers will be appointed to Manalapan’s boards, committees and commissions.

Committeeman Kevin Uniglicht, who joined the governing body in January 2017, did not seek re-election in November and will conclude his first term at the end of the month.

During a meeting on Dec. 4, Uniglicht said he “cannot believe how fast three years have gone by. Serving our residents has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life. … I want to thank all of our volunteers who work so hard for this community. I hope to join them next year. I have put in my volunteer application.”

Uniglicht, who operates a local legal practice, said business and family obligations led to his decision not to seek a second term. He left open the possibility that when his children are older he may seek to rejoin the Township Committee.

He thanked Manalapan’s police, fire, EMS and Community Emergency Response Team personnel for their efforts on behalf of the township. He also thanked his fellow committee members and former committeemen Jordan Maskowitz and David Kane for their service and friendship.

Uniglicht thanked the municipal staff and offered his well wishes to Nelson as he begins his term on the Township Committee.

“This position takes a ton of time, but it is worth it,” he said.

Jacobson, Musich, McNaboe and Cohen thanked Uniglicht for serving for three years and made note of his comment that he may seek to return to elected office at some point in the future.