Freehold council amends bond ordinances

FREEHOLD – Two bond ordinances previously adopted by the Borough Council in Freehold Borough have been amended to expand the scope of the improvements covered by the ordinances.

On Dec. 16, council members adopted an ordinance that will expand the scope of improvements covered by a bond ordinance from 2015 that appropriated $915,000 for road design, paving and restoration and authorized the issuance of $697,000 in bonds or notes to finance a portion of the costs. The amendment includes the purchase of a bucket truck and improvements to municipal buildings and facilities.

The council also adopted an ordinance that will expand the scope of improvements covered by a bond ordinance from 2016 that appropriated $975,000 for road repairs and the restoration and repaving of Schiverea Avenue and authorized the issuance of $641,250 in bonds or notes to finance a portion of the costs. The amendment includes the installation of a pedestrian bridge at Lake Topanemus and improvements to municipal buildings and facilities.

The amendments will not increase the aggregate appropriation or debt authorization, according to municipal officials.

In other business, council members authorized shared services agreements with Freehold Township for health services, substance abuse prevention and counseling services, parking spaces at the Schibanoff Road commuter parking lot, information technology services, code enforcement, building inspection and plan review services, emergency vehicle refueling, and licensed treatment plant operation services for Freehold Borough’s water and sewer utilities.

And, council members authorized an interlocal services agreement for regional animal control. The agreement is with Freehold Township, Manalapan and Millstone Township. Manalapan is the lead agency in the agreement.

Additionally, the council authorized a shared services agreement with Colts Neck through which Freehold Borough will provide Colts Neck with municipal court facilities and equipment.

Finally, council members approved a $14,632 increase in a $489,214 contract that was awarded to Seacoast Construction, East Brunswick, for the repaving of various streets. The revised contract amount is $503,847.

According to a resolution, the initial contract covered improvements to the Little League baseball field and to Parker Street, West Main Street and a new East Main Street crosswalk.

The $14,632 increase is for the East Main Street crosswalk due to new costs such as labor and traffic control equipment that resulted when the New Jersey Department of Transportation required all work on the crosswalk project to be performed during the evening hours.