Allentown council awards contracts for trash, recycling collection

ALLENTOWN – The Borough Council has awarded contracts to two firms for the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials in Allentown.

Municipal officials took the action during a meeting on Dec. 10.

A contract was awarded to Waste Management Inc., Ewing Township, for solid waste collection services once a week, non-automated. The collection will be every Wednesday. The contract includes the pick-up of solid waste at the Towne Mews apartments, with dumpsters.

A contract was awarded to Central Jersey Waste, Ewing Township, for recycling collection services every other week, non-automated. The collection will be every other Tuesday. The contract includes the pick-up of recyclable materials at the Towne Mews apartments.

According to a resolution the council passed, the bid specifications were prepared by Roberts Engineering Group. One vendor submitted a bid for solid waste collection
and two vendors submitted bids for recycling collection.

The bids were reviewed by the borough engineer, the borough attorney and the council members before the contracts were awarded on Dec. 10, which was the final council meeting of the year.

Municipal officials determined the solid waste collection contract should be awarded to Waste Management Inc. for three years, for a total of $409,136 (first year, $133,687; second year, $133,361; and third year, $139,088), beginning Jan. 1, 2020 and ending on Dec. 31, 2022.

Municipal officials determined the recycling collection contract should be awarded to Central Jersey Waste for three years, for a total of $158,250 (first year, $51,300; second year, $52,685; and third year, $54,265), beginning Jan. 1, 2020 and ending on Dec. 31, 2022.