Stessed-out families can rejoice: Supernanny Jo Frost is back and on Lifetime

By Barb Oates

The U.K.’s Supernanny Jo Frost is back in action — Wednesdays on Lifetime, beginning Jan. 1 — helping stressed-out and overwhelmed parents with their ongoing challenges raising children in this busy digital age. Much has changed since the series ended in 2011, but Frost continues to focus on positive reinforcement and connectivity. The show is now structured to be more documentary in style, where her teachings are outlined and her help extends to the entire family, including couples who need help in their relationships. With a time-tested method involving honest, direct and nurturing support, Frost offers real-life solutions to parents, dispensing advice, techniques and tips to help iron out the chaos in their lives so that their family can evolve.

As Frost sees it, “Raising a family has always had its challenges. In an ever-changing world, how we navigate is crucial to how well we stay connected as a family. Truth is, technology is here to stay, so it’s important to embrace the wonder it brings to our lives. However, we must also learn boundaries, too — which is what a lot of families will learn from watching the show — and the importance of why.”

She’s had 30 years of experience helping families, and still Frost says her best piece of advice is, “Mean what you say, say what you mean, but don’t say it mean. I believe that a lot of parents would tell you, if they had done this many years ago, they probably would not be facing some of the challenges they have today. Young children take you at your word, literally, so mixed messages only confuse. Keep it simple. Life is complex enough.”