Howell council reorganizes for 2020, makes appointments to town boards

HOWELL – The five members of the Howell Township Council held their reorganization meeting on Jan. 7 in the municipal building and looked forward to the business of a new year.

Howell’s governing body consists of Mayor Theresa Berger, Councilwoman Evelyn O’Donnell, Councilman John Bonevich, Councilwoman Pamela Richmond and Councilman Thomas Russo.

Berger is serving the final year of her first four-year term as mayor.

During the meeting, Russo nominated O’Donnell, who served as deputy mayor in 2019, to continue serving in that position during 2020. Richmond seconded the nomination and all five council members voted “yes.”

Richmond said she could not wait to serve another year with O’Donnell.

“I think your steady hand and your experience will help us here, keep things moving along and make the town as great as it is. Keep that going. So thank you for accepting the nomination and I look forward to working with you this year,” she said to O’Donnell.

After she was sworn in, O’Donnell thanked her fellow council members for having the trust and faith in her to once again elect her to serve as deputy mayor.

“I had something written, but as usual, once I get here I think of something different. I will say that I moved here when I was 4 and I have grown to love this town. What I find specifically different about this town is that the people who live here believe in this town, and because they believe in this town they give things to this town that I think may not happen in other communities,” O’Donnell said.

“I think when people believe in where they live and what they want, and what they expect, they come together as one. I think we have grown as a community. I feel we have fiber in this community that can’t be broken.

“I believe everyone in this room and everyone at home believes that Howell is a great community and will strive to continue to have a great community, but more importantly, to bring us together in harmony; for us to be kind to each other, tolerant, and to do the best things for our town, which is what we all want,” O’Donnell said.

Russo thanked all of the residents who applied to serve as volunteers on Howell’s boards and commissions.

“The fact that we have so many volunteers and not enough spots shows how strong of a town we are. Really, I wish we could appoint everybody. If you did not make it this year, please continue to sign up and put your name out there. It is really appreciated that we have so many residents stepping up for completely volunteer positions that make our town great,” Russo said.

During the meeting, the council appointed four individuals to the Howell Environmental Commission. Joan Osborne, the mayor’s appointment, will serve a three-year term and was appointed chairwoman of the commission by Berger. Jerry Blustein and Lisa Doud were appointed to three-year terms and Peter Postorino was appointed as an alternate member for two years.

Four individuals were appointed to the Planning Board. Howell Police Chief Andrew Kudrick was the mayor’s appointment for a one-year term as a municipal official. O’Donnell was appointed for a one-year term as a member of the Township Council. Robert Seaman will serve a four-year term and Michael Bozicevic will serve an unexpired term until December.

O’Donnell said Robert Nash, who had been serving as the board’s chairman, put in an application to remain on the board, but had to withdraw from consideration due to his employment commitments. O’Donnell thanked Nash for his two years of service as the board’s chairman.

The council appointed three individuals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Paul Sayah and Richard Mertens were appointed to four-year terms and Matt Gonzalez will serve a two-year term as an alternate member.

Bonevich asked for the zoning board appointments to be voted on separately.

Gonzalez and Mertens were each appointed with a 5-0 vote from the council members.

Sayah was appointed in a 3-2 vote with Republicans O’Donnell, Russo and Richmond voting “yes” and Democrats Berger and Bonevich voting “no.”

Richmond said she is looking forward to 2020, stating, “I am looking forward to working with all the professionals, all the volunteers, the current council. I think that after getting a year under our belt, we have much more experience now, we will get much more done, I am hoping. Thank you everybody for volunteering and helping to keep Howell as amazing as it is.”