Chabad will honor Colts Neck resident during Women’s Day program

A resident of Colts Neck whose entire family has actively participated in Chabad programs and embraced its values will be honored during Chabad of Western Monmouth County’s 33rd annual Jewish Women’s Day program, which will take place on Feb. 23 at the Radisson Hotel, Freehold Township.

Angela Natenzon will be awarded the Eishes Chayil (Woman of Valor) award in recognition of her care and dedication to the local Chabad community, according to a press release.

“It is our pleasure to present her with a token of our appreciation and admiration for all she does and stands for,” said Rebbetzin Tova Chazanow of Chabad of Western Monmouth County.

Natenzon’s introduction to Chabad occurred when she was residing in Staten Island, N.Y., but sending her children to the Solomon Schechter Day School (the Hebrew Academy) in Marlboro, where she served as vice president of the PTO and chaired the Hanukkah Boutique, the Teacher Auction and Teacher Appreciation Week, according to the press release.

Her first Chabad contact was Rebbetzin Sara Schapiro, who is a teacher at the school.

The Natenzon family, which includes husband, Boris, son Myles, 19, and daughters Brielle,
16, and Hailey, 14, eventually moved to Colts Neck, where they were introduced to Rabbi Shmaya Galperin and his wife, Rochie, of Chabad of Holmdel.

“My kids have found their niche,” said Angela, whose offspring have participated in Chabad’s C-Teen program, volunteered with Friendship Circle and serve as an assistant at the Hebrew School.

Chabad means inclusion, acceptance and family, added the pharmacist.

Natenzon was surprised to learn she would be the honoree, according to the press release.

“We don’t need accolades; we do things because we want to. But I enjoy going to Women’s Day every year so I might as well have a good seat that day,” she said with a smile. “It will be a good introduction for my friends to see what Chabad is all about.”

The annual Women’s Day program is held in memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. This year it will also be in tribute to and in memory of Rita Goodman, the first Women’s Day honoree.

Goodman, of Manalapan, served as president of ORT of Monmouth County, was active in the Sisterhood of Congregation Sons of Israel and worked on committees to help the disabled, according to the press release.

Chavie Bruk, from Bozeman, Mont., will address this year’s theme: Riding Life’s Roller Coaster with 20/20 Vision. Bruk will share her life story of challenge and triumph, tears and joy, and will inspire attendees with the Jewish perspective of thriving through the most trying moments of life, according to the press release.

The Women’s Day program features a brunch and a themed basket auction. Tickets for the program are $60, with an early bird discount before Feb. 7 of $54.

Coordinators of Women’s Day are Tova Chazanow, Zisi Bernstein, Sara Schapiro, Rochie Galperin, Chana’le Wolosow and Moushkie Volovik. Caryn Schweitzer, Lisa Silberman and Renee Buchbinder are coordinating the themed gift basket auction.

Doors will open for the auction at 10:30 a.m. and the Women’s Day program will begin at 11:30 a.m. Reservations are required. For more information or to make a reservation, call 732-972-3687 or visit