Freehold Township officials tap Walker for Township Committee seat

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Members of the Township Committee have appointed Alan Walker to fill a vacant seat on Freehold Township’s governing body.

Committee members during their meeting on Jan. 28 appointed Walker to fill the opening that was created when David Salkin resigned from the governing body in January after accepting a position with Monmouth County. Salkin had served on the committee since 1994.

There was one year left in the term Salkin was serving. Walker was appointed to serve through 2020. He may seek election to a full three-year term in November.

Walker was sworn in as a member of the Township Committee by New Jersey Superior Court Judge Chad N. Cagan.

Walker joined Mayor Lester A. Preston Jr., Committeeman Anthony Ammiano, Committeeman Thomas Cook and Committeewoman Maureen Fasano on the dais for the remainder of the meeting. The five committee members are Republicans.

Prior to joining the governing body, Walker was serving as chairman of the Freehold Township Parks and Recreation Commission. He stepped down as a commissioner to join the Township Committee and was succeeded as chairman by Chris Novella, who had been serving as the panel’s vice chairman.

Committee members appointed Walker to liaison positions with the Shade Tree Commission and the Youth Guidance Council.

After the meeting, Walker said, “I would like to recognize David Salkin for the mark he left on Freehold Township. He did a lot for our community during his time as a committeeman. I hope that as a former Little League teammate and high school classmate, Freehold Township Class of 1984, I can follow his legacy and do positive things for our town.

“It is an honor and privilege to represent our municipality of over 35,000 residents and to help plot the course of and shape the future of Freehold Township, a place I have called home for nearly 50 years.

“Raising my family here, I have a vested interest in helping our town make smart decisions for them, my friends, neighbors and all of our residents. I have seen firsthand the outstanding municipal services we provide here.

“We have a police force of committed officers, a public works team that is second to none, recreational facilities that residents from all over Monmouth County come to use and dedicated volunteers in our fire departments,” Walker said.

“I feel like it’s an exciting time to join the Township Committee. People who know me, either from growing up in town or professionally, know I do not approach anything with a cavalier attitude. I go full steam ahead at whatever I set my focus on.

“(Committeewoman) Maureen Fasano and I went to middle school and high school together, so coming in at the same time as her is special for me. I have known Mayor Preston, Deputy Mayor Cook and Committeeman Ammiano for many years. The five of us will comprise a rock solid team that residents can feel confident in and proud of.

“I have spent the last 10 years on our Parks and Recreation Commission, the last two as chairman, and I have had the chance to work with our township administrator, Peter Valesi, on a number of occasions during that time.

“The transition from one position to another with him has been easy and seamless and I am grateful I get to work with someone who is as proficient at municipal management as he is,” Walker said.