East Windsor Community Garden announces signup

Would-be gardeners can sign up to rent a plot of land to grow their own fruits and vegetables in East Windsor Township’s Community Garden.

The garden is located on Disbrow Hill Road across from Etra Lake Park.

Applications are being taken now for the 20 available garden plots. The application, which is available on the township’s website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, must be accompanied by a check for $50 or cash. A lottery will be held if the number of applications exceeds the number of plots.

“We encourage residents to participate in this fun, educational and productive community program by planting their own garden,” Mayor Janice S. Mironov said.

“It is an exciting opportunity for residents to reap the benefit of planting their own produce,” Mayor Mironov said.

Would-be gardeners who want to rent a plot must be at least 18 years old. Children and young people may help in maintaining the plots, as long as they are supervised by an adult.

Mayor Mironov said detailed information will be provided in writing during an orientation meeting about the Community Garden and how it works.

The meeting is tentatively set for March 26 at the East Windsor Township Municipal Building, which is located at 16 Lanning Boulevard.

The Community Garden is expected to open for planting in early April. The Community Garden plots will be identified by a plot number, and each gardener will be assigned a plot number. Plots that have not been planted by May 6 may be made available to persons on the waiting list.

Only green methods and products may be used in the Community Garden, for the health and safety of all gardeners. Toxic pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers may not be used.

Community Garden participants can volunteer to help maintain the garden by pulling weeds in common areas, trimming and maintaining the edges and decorative plants and flowers, or signing up to be a garden caretaker for an absent renter.

The garden plots must be maintained, which includes weeding. Crops must be harvested when they are mature. The plots must be tended through the time of the annual, mandatory cleanup in November.

During the November cleanup, all stakes, trellises, nets, fences, tomato cages and watering cans must be removed from the garden plot by the plot owner. All plants and weeds must be completely removed.

Mayor Mironov said the Community Garden is further affirmation of East Windsor Township’s commitment to a greener environment and sustainable community.

East Windsor Township achieved Silver Level certification – the highest certification – from Sustainable Jersey in 2016 and in 2018 for an assortment of green initiatives that included creating a farmland preservation program, a backyard composting program and the adoption of a tree protection ordinance.

Other green initiatives undertaken by the township included conducting an inventory and make upgrades to East Windsor Township-owned buildings for energy efficiency, and holding community recycling and paper shredding events.

For an application or to learn more about the Community Garden, visit the East Windsor Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us  or call the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 609-443-4000, ext. 240. The office is open weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.