Photo courtesy of Terhune Orchards

Terhune Orchards continues to serve area residents

Terhune Orchards is continuing to serve the Princeton community during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
“We have been able to keep up with customer demand. We have some of our own grown produce such as apples, cider, vegetables and baked goods,” said Pam Mount, co-owner. “We also have a supplier who brings us other essential goods that we need or want.”
Terhune Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Road, Princeton, is open Monday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Mount said the business is following food safety and hygiene protocols and following state rules and guidelines. She said the farm’s fresh produce is picked daily by trained staff who follow safe handling and cleanliness procedures.
Onsite bakers are providing pies, cookies and breads.
“We have everything from apples to zucchini and also herbs,” Mount said, adding that the store is stocked with locally sourced milk, eggs, meats and other staples.
The business is now offering farm store porch pickup and local deliveries (within 15 miles).
“People can call and we take orders. They can come by and we will load up their car,” Mount said. “If they are in a 15-mile radius we can deliver their order to them. We had not done deliveries to individuals, but because of the quarantine we were happy to do this.”
Individuals may call 609-924-2310 or place an order online.
“We ask people to call and give us an hour or two to get the order together for pickup and we will call them when it is ready,” Mount said. “When it comes to deliveries, it depends on when they call (for same day or next day delivery).”
At the farm, there are sinks available for customers. Only six customers are being permitted in the store at a time and parents are asked to leave children outside.
The tasting room is closed and farm events have been cancelled until further notice.
“We see ourselves as a community farm and we are trying really hard to keep everyone healthy,” Mount said.