Number of COVID-19 cases in Howell reaches 17 as of March 24

HOWELL – There were 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Howell as of March 24.

During a meeting of the Township Council that was live-streamed during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Township Manager Brian Geoghegan provided the members of the governing body with the latest number.

Geoghegan said there were discrepancies in the reporting because of different ZIP codes throughout the municipality (a portion of Howell uses the 07728 Freehold ZIP code). He said reported cases of the disease are primarily being coordinated through the Howell Police Department.

Residents were able to submit comments and questions to the township.

One resident asked how people can help hospitals that need supplies and whether there would be consequences for individuals who do not follow prescribed guidelines and put others at risk.

Geoghegan said he told the resident the Office of Emergency Management is working with other departments in Monmouth County regarding the food supply chain.

“Locally, one thing we have done is to make sure we are only ordering to equip our first responders to avoid the hoarding issue that is depriving others from getting that equipment. That is the largest thing we can do,” Geoghegan said.

He said the police department and code enforcement employees have been very active in enforcing directives that have been issued by Gov. Phil Murphy.

“We had a few businesses that our police department shut down because they were operating outside the governor’s directive,” Geoghegan said.

He said the Howell Senior Center has reassigned a number of personnel.