Three more Jamesburg residents test positive for COVID-19

JAMESBURG–The Borough of Jamesburg’s Office of Emergency Management has received notification from the Middlesex County Health Department that three additional residents have tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19).

One resident is a male, age 69, and is currently being treated in a hospital; the second person is a 51-year-old female and is currently isolated at home; and the third person is a 39-year-old male also isolated at home, according to a statement provided by the Borough of Jamesburg on March 26.

The latest statistics related to COVID-19 from Governor Phil Murphy’s office this afternoon include 2,492 new positive test results in New Jersey for a statewide total of 6,876, according to the statement.

This significant increase is due in large part to the increase in testing capability throughout the state, and includes 436 positive tests from mass testing sites, according to the statement. Middlesex County reported 183 new cases for a total of 505 positive cases, according to the statement.