Residents asked to show why they are staying home for Milltown

MILLTOWN – Mayor Trina Mehr is taking on a challenge by neighboring mayors to show people why borough residents are staying home for Milltown in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Russ Einbinder, who runs Channel 15 in the borough, said all residents have to do is take a video or a photo depicting why they support their town.

“Use it wide screen [horizontally],” he said, adding the video, which only has to be a few seconds long, or a photo can be of anything from a person, a family or family pets. “Tell us the reason why you are staying home for Milltown.”

Gov. Phil Murphy announced a statewide Stay at Home Order and the closure of non-essential retail businesses, which became effective at 9 p.m. on March 21.

Milltown is taking on the challenge, which they are calling #istayathomeformilltown.

Einbinder said the challenge is something fun residents can do together as they have to stay inside a little more than they may want to.

“It’s one way we get to see each other and say all the wonderful things about our town,” he said.

The video or picture can be sent to [email protected]. Einbinder said he will take everything he gets and put it into a video.

“We will share it … it will be a nice memory of a not so nice time,” he said.