Woodbridge officials report 16 new positive COVID-19 cases, two fatalities

WOODBRIDGE – Woodbridge Township officials announced its “worst day” of an additional 16 new positive COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours and the death of 93-year-old female, according to Mayor John E. McCormac in his daily report on March 31.

The lastest count results in a total of 96 coronavirus cases and two fatalities. A male passed away a few days ago. The township does not have information on the age of the male, the mayor said.

“Please keep those two victims and their families and everyone who is sick in your thoughts and prayers as we fight through this terrible situation,” McCormac said.

Of the latest 16 cases, three are in their 90s; five are in their 40s; and four are in their 30s. Out of the 96 cases to date, 10 are in their 20s and two are teenagers, officials said.

“This is simply not just something that you have to worry about only if you are elderly,” he said. “Many of our cases are out of the hospital or passed the self-quarantine date and no longer symptomatic and for that we are very thankful. We are not privy to very much information after the diagnoses but some people are sharing their experiences with us. Please keep the self-distancing guidelines of six feet in mind whenever you are near anyone. All studies show this works to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.”

McCormac said the township continues to be in fairly good shape with regard to supplies and personal protective equipment, or PPE.

“We owe a great debt of gratitude to Hank Incognito, the owner of Avenel Pharmacy, who has been producing hand sanitizer in his store and bottling it for distribution to our emergency responders and other employees,” he said. “Hank is just one example of how our businesses have answered the call with equipment and supply donations to the township while our restaurants and food stores have answered the call by stocking up our food pantries. Our residents continue to be terrific whenever there is a call for volunteers to help those who cannot help themselves.”

For more COVID-19 information, visit covid19.nj.gov. Visit www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us for local information.