Millstone Township seeks county funds for Phase 2 work at new park

MILLSTONE – Municipal officials in Millstone Township are seeking $250,000 from Monmouth County to help fund Phase 2 work at the new Millstone Park.

On March 18, Township Committee members authorized the submission of an application to the Monmouth County Open Space Grant Program. The township is seeking $250,000 from the Open Space Trust Fund.

If funding is received from the county it will be used for Phase 2 work at Millstone Park, a 186-acre recreation facility that is being developed on Red Valley Road.

The development of Millstone Park has been ongoing since 2016. Committee members appropriated $4.5 million for Phase 1 work and as of January, $4.42 million had been spent.

Phase 1 was supported by the receipt of $250,000 from the Monmouth County Open Space Grant Program.

Phase 2 work is estimated to cost $660,000, according to a resolution.

In January, municipal officials declared the Phase 1 work has been completed, although Millstone Park has not yet been opened to the public. The park will have nine general purpose fields (six fields with lights) which can be used by sports programs.

The park building will have restrooms and a kitchen serving facility, but no stove. Cooking will be provided by a portable food cart as needed.

Other features at Millstone Park are expected to include a trail that can be used for walking, jogging and horseback riding, a playground, and a boat-accessible pond that can be used for fishing and irrigation, according to township officials.

In other business, James Kuipers was appointed to a one-year term as the township’s electrical inspector at an hourly rate of $40 (not to exceed 18 hours per week). Kuipers was appointed to a four-year term as the township’s electrical subcode official at an hourly rate of $40 (not to exceed 18 hours per week).