Five more South River residents test postive for COVID-19; making total 26

SOUTH RIVER–The Borough of South River has been notified by the Middlesex County Department of Health that five additional residents have tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19).

This brings the total number of cases in South River to 26. Of today’s new cases, three are isolating at home and two are hospitalized, according to a statement from the South River Police Department.

At this time, the Middlesex County Health Department is the lead in the investigation of the cases and is responsible for all notifications. The South River Police Department is not made aware of the prior whereabouts of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19. The positive cases in South River are not limited to any specific neighborhoods or areas of the borough, according to the statement.

The South River Police Department does not have any further information to share, according to the statement.

Residents are reminded that the best way to protect yourself is to limit your time in public spaces, stay home unless absolutely necessary, practice social distancing guidelines, and frequently use proper handwashing techniques, regardless if you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or not, according to the statement.

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