South Brunswick officials report 13 new positive COVID-19 cases, including 10-year-old child

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – South Brunswick officials reported 13 new positive COVID-19 cases on April 14, including a 10-year-old child.

The new cases include seven males and six females. The age range of the cases are from 10 to 85. The total number of cases reach 191.

Mayor Charles Carley commended the public in a statement for their efforts to help stop the spread of the coronavirus in the community.

“Everyone has been doing great, and the majority are adhering to the rules, and wearing their cloth face masks when in stores and restaurants, but we really need everyone to cooperate and wear them when around other people in public places,” he said. “And we realize that this is spring break and kids want to be outside, but please remind them to maintain proper social distancing and to stay off the playground equipment. This is for everyone’s good.”

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