Spotswood schools continue distance learning heading into fourth quarter

SPOTSWOOD–With the Spotswood Public School District’s Spring Break period ending, Superintendent Graham Peabody updated parents about the district’s upcoming fourth marking period.

“In this anxious and uncertain time, it is my hope that you were able to unwind and unplug over the last week to experience a relaxing Spring Break,” Peabody said in a prepared statement. “Given that [April 13 was] our last scheduled day of break and we remain under state order to keep our buildings closed to students, distance learning will resume tomorrow [on] April 14.”

April 14, Peabody said, will also coincide with the beginning of the fourth marking period, and there are 45 days remaining in this school year.

“Whether we return to our buildings or continue utilizing distance learning during this time, it remains our mission to support our students in every way possible,” Peabody said in the statement. “Understanding this, we continue to review and refine our distance learning practices to best provide and support our teachers with a variety of online resources that they can evaluate and choose to utilize as they continue to support our students.”

On a daily basis, Peabody said the district’s teachers continue to assess the needs of each class they teach, attempting to balance the demands and needs of the curriculum, the content, the skills, the interactions, and of course, the students.

“As each class has different needs, instruction will continue to look different in each classroom; distance learning does not change that reality,” Peabody said in the statement. “As more information becomes available from our state and county, further communication will follow as we continue to assess our current situation.

“Until then, may you and your family remain safe and healthy,” Peabody said in the statement.

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