Operation Marlboro Cares reaches out with assistance for residents

MARLBORO – Township Councilman Jeff Cantor has created a relief program that is providing assistance to the residents of Marlboro during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Operation Marlboro Cares is working with the Marlboro K-8 School District, local emergency services providers and businesses to deliver groceries and medicine to at-risk community members.

“Anyone who is at risk, including the elderly, the immuno-suppressed, the immuno-compromised, those undergoing cancer treatment and anyone else who may be at risk can participate in this program,” Cantor said.

“We are trying to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus to those who are most vulnerable. At the same time, we are trying to support our Marlboro businesses, so we will pick up groceries and prescriptions from any Marlboro business and deliver them to the most vulnerable of our population.

“We will pick up groceries and prescriptions for anyone in the at-risk category … The Local Emergency Planning Council will help deliver needed food and medications to an individual’s front door. We want people to be safe and have peace of mind knowing they do not have to come out of their home for needed supplies,” Cantor said

Cantor said the following businesses are participating in the program: Food Emporium, [email protected]; ShopRite, https://shop.shoprite.com/store/dc61725; Tuscany, [email protected]; Livoti’s, 848-444-9600; Marlboro Village Pharmacy, 732-617-6060; Marlboro Medical Arts Pharmacy, 732-946-1600; CVS, 732-431-8700; Walgreens, 732-972-2309; Costco pharmacy, 732-617-4341; and Pharmacy Emporium, 732-526-4450.

Once a food order or prescription refills, email Cantor at [email protected] to be placed on the delivery schedule