Jackson police respond to complaints at Great Adventure

JACKSON – During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Jackson police officers have responded to reports of people trespassing on Six Flags Great Adventure property along Reed Road.

On April 12 at 2:30 p.m., officers responded to Reed Road to investigate a report of people along the fence line, according to a press release.

The officers located members of a family riding bicycles on Reed Road, which is an unpaved township road. No one was observed at the fence line trespassing on Great Adventure property and no summonses were issued.

On April 16, Jackson police received information regarding two males who were seen on security cameras climbing over a fence and entering the Great Adventure safari property, where they could have come into direct contact with safari animals.

The incident reportedly took place at 6 a.m. April 14 and the two individuals were inside the safari for about 30 minutes before leaving, according to the press release.

Also on April 16, officers responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on Reed Road and trespassing on the Great Adventure property. Police said a 49-year-old male was observed trespassing and claimed he was there to see the animals. The man was issued a summons for defiant trespassing and released at the scene.

In a message posted on social media, the Jackson Police Department wrote, “We recommend that residents observe the Governor’s executive orders and stay at home, but if you do go outside, please remember to socially distance yourself from others.

“If going out, please do not trespass onto Great Adventure property (or any others), as the park is closed at this time. There will be additional patrols in the area and officers will investigate and evaluate each instance independently … and complaints will be signed when warranted.”