South River borough offices will reopen on limited basis

SOUTH RIVER–With 126 positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases confirmed by the Middlesex County Health Department, Mayor John Krenzel updated residents on the status of South River.

“As we have ended one week and are beginning another, it is time to take stock as to where South River is,” Krenzel said in a prepared statement. “We have reached the 100 mark as to positive virus cases. That number is probably much higher. There are some people not following the script and are infecting others. Follow the recommendations and we will be able to slow the spread of this virus and the faster we do that, the faster we can return to what was our normal lives.”

To that end, on April 20, Krenzel said the borough will again be collecting yard waste.

“No more having to dump your grass on your yard, you can leave it out to be collected. Don’t put it in with the garbage,” Krenzel said in the statement. “The recycling center will remain close and there is no bulk pickup. If you are selling a house and need to dump the contents, call a private company for a dumpster.”

Also as of April 20, Krenzel said borough offices will open on a limited basis; however, the borough offices are still not open to the public. Residents are not allowed to enter the building.

Krenzel said the Borough Council will meet via Zoom on April 20. Residents can watch either live or later on Comcast channel 35 or on the borough’s website.

“Keep in touch for information with the police department on Facebook and sign up for Nixle. The situation is fluid and keeps changing,” Krenzel said in the statement. “If you are not signed up, do so now. If you are not tech-savvy, find someone who is signed up and get your information from that person. Don’t rely on hearsay and rumors.

“Again, let me say that there is no need to worry. Be concerned, yes; worry, no.  We will get through this. We are literally all in this together,” Krenzel said in the statement.

Krenzel said residents should continue to use common sense. Practice personal hygiene, wash hands, socially distance and wear a face mask when in public.

“Be kind to each other; help each other. Check in on the elderly and homebound. Check in on your neighbor,” Krenzel said in the statement. “If you don’t know your neighbor, you have the perfect opportunity to see if they need something and introduce yourself at the same time and we will all get through this together. God bless you and God bless South River.”

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