Millstone land use, development ordinances set for public hearings

MILLSTONE – Four ordinances have been introduced by the Township Committee to amend land use and development regulations in Millstone Township.

The ordinances were introduced on April 15. A public hearing on each ordinance is scheduled for May 20. The committee may adopt the ordinances that evening.

The first ordinance would, if adopted, amend the township’s development application requirements and require all documents and application forms to be submitted electronically, in addition to hard copies of all documents and forms.

The second ordinance would, if adopted, create definitions for detached single-family dwellings, accessory buildings or structures and accessory uses, and delete the definition for a technical review committee.

According to the ordinance, detached single-family dwellings are defined as buildings designed and occupied exclusively as a residence for only one family and having no party wall in common with an adjacent building.

Accessory buildings or structures and accessory uses are defined as having their uses incidental and subordinate to the principal building or land on the same lot.

An accessory building attached to a principal building by a shared wall is considered part of the same building and subject to the same standards.

The third ordinance would, if adopted, change the requirements of the accessory buildings and structures use in Millstone Township to permit them in all municipal zones.

At present, accessory buildings and structures are permitted in residential zones, but not in non-residential zones.

As part of the proposed change, the ordinance adds non-residential accessory sheds for the purposes of storing equipment for on-site use as permitted accessory uses in the Neighborhood Commercial zone, the Highway Commercial zone, the HC-1 Highway Commercial zone and the Planned Commercial Development zone, subject to the township’s height, size and setback requirements.

In addition, the proposed ordinance would allow emergency generators in non-residential zones as a permitted use if the generators meet the township’s standards.

The fourth ordinance would, if adopted, ensure that Millstone Township’s policy of not extending public water and sewer infrastructure is consistent with the current master plan.

The proposed ordinance removes references to public water and public treatment and collection systems, and establishes the Monmouth County Board of Health as being responsible for enforcing the requirements of and approving treatment plant and collection system designs and appointing a health officer to test and certify individual subsurface sewage disposal systems.