Royce Brook Golf Club donates meals to Hillsborough seniors

Royce Brook Golf Club is providing meals to seniors in the community who cannot leave their homes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

In partnership with Hillsborough Social Services, Royce Brook provides 25 free meals three times per week to seniors who cannot leave their homes and who do not have local family nearby to assist, according to information provided by the Buffalo Agency. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Head Chef Mark Barrows and staff prepare meals at the club to be delivered by Hillsborough township employees and drivers to residences throughout the community.

“We are so honored and humbled by the efforts of our team in providing food for the local senior population,” Eric Thompson, general manager of Royce Brook Golf Club, said in the statement. “This pandemic has paralyzed the elderly community more than anyone else, so the least we can do is make sure they have everything they need to get through these tough times.

“We are counted on to be an asset to the town of Hillsborough So now is the time to step up for those less fortunate than us,” he said.

For more information, call 908-904-0499 or visit