Monmouth freeholders thank nurses for essential role in COVID-19 pandemic

In recognition of National Nurses Week, the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders is thanking all nurses, especially the Monmouth County Health Department public nurses and volunteer nurses, for the vital role they play in healthcare and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As a former nurse, I know firsthand that nurses give care, comfort and attention to others in their most vulnerable and stressful times. Nurses are putting the needs of their patients before everything and we cannot thank them enough,” Freeholder Deputy Director Susan M. Kiley said.

“In addition to National Nurses Week, on May 7 we celebrate the National Day of Prayer and I would like to encourage the public to keep nurses in their thoughts and prayers as we thank them for their tremendous sacrifice and critically necessary work,” Kiley said.

In a press release, county officials said that according to the New Jersey Department of Health, throughout New Jersey there are more than 170,000 registered nurses who are currently helping COVID-19 patients in hospitals, field hospitals and testing centers.

They assist with the health of residents in long-term care facilities, general medical offices and in the entirety of the medical field where they administer shots, perform exams and advocate for the well-being of the public, according to the press release.

“This year, National Nurses Week occurs during an international health pandemic when we need to acknowledge and respect nurses and their important role in our communities now more than ever,” Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone said.

“I am so grateful for all of the nurses, especially the volunteer school nurses at the Health Department who are the backbone of public health and are at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19.

“I would also like to commend Christopher Merkel, the county’s public health coordinator, and his entire staff who continue to make residents’ health their top priority as we flatten the curve in Monmouth County and New Jersey,” Arnone said.