Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monmouth & Middlesex Counties (BBBSMMC) is in the midst of its year-end appeal for funds so the agency can continue to provide children with academic, social or economic challenges with caring volunteer Big Brothers and Sisters .“ Every donation whether large or small helps” saidWilliam Salcedo, Executive Director of BBBSMMC. In the spirit of giving at this festive time of year, our hope is that people in the community will consider giving the gifts of companionship, self-worth, confidence and opportunity to a child by making a donation to our agency.”
Salcedo hopes that the community will join the agency in helping to provide a positive role model in the lives of kids who are vulnerable to negative influences. “Our volunteer mentors are often the only stable person the kids in our programs can rely on. Our Littles look up to their Big Brothers and Sisters and rely on them for guidance, help and security in a sometimes crazy world,” he said.
By the end of 2011, the agency will have provided mentoring to more than 500 children in Monmouth and Middlesex counties. “There are still many more kids in need that we want to reach but we need the funds to make it happen,” added Salcedo.
The organization’s goal is to improve the social and emotional development and educational outlook of disadvantaged youth by providing them with a caring adult in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. They must commit to this professionally supported relationship for a minimum of one year, with several matches lasting as many as 10 years. Littles are given new and positive experiences, which have shown to help them to become more caring, competent and confident members of their community.
To contribute, go to and click on how to donate.