Freehold Borough Memorial Day ceremony will be live-streamed

FREEHOLD – While the coronavirus pandemic will prevent Freehold Borough’s annual Memorial Day parade from taking place in 2020, an event will be held to honor those individuals who have died in military service to the United States.

“We are still trying to commemorate Memorial Day in a safe manner for everyone,” said Councilman George Schnurr, who is the liaison to the Memorial Day Parade Committee. “It is of critical importance for the Freehold Borough community to remember.”

On Memorial Day, May 25, an event will begin at 10 a.m. at Main Street and Brinckerhoff Avenue.

Schnurr said “Taps” will be played before a horse-drawn carriage carrying a flag-draped casket proceeds on Main Street, accompanied by two members of the armed forces.

Church bells will ring as the procession continues toward Elks Point. The carriage will stop at Elks Point and the names of fallen military personnel will be read and honored.

The event will be live-streamed on the Memorial Day Parade Committee’s Facebook page. Members of the public are asked not to gather in town and to watch the event as it is broadcast at