Helmetta total COVID-19 cases reach 39, borough has lost four residents

HELMETTA – Helmetta total COVID-19 reach 39, according to information provided by Middlesex County on May 29.

The borough has lost four residents to COVID-19, according to Middlesex County.

Mayor Chris Slavicek notes the cumulative number of positive cases includes people who are asymptomatic or may have a mild case of the virus, but does not include those who have fully recovered from the virus.

Borough offices remain closed to the public, however, borough employees are available via phone and email and online services remain intact. For more information visit www.helmettaboro.com.

For Middlesex County information visit discovermiddlesex.com/covid19/ or www.middlesexcountynj.gov/covid19.

For more information, call New Jersey Health Center 1-800-222-1222.