South Brunswick community reacts to incidents of violence with calls for change

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – The community of South Brunswick is reacting to the recent death of George Floyd, an African American male who died after being knelt on by a police officer in Minneapolis, as well as the larger societal issues of police brutality and racial intolerance.

The South Brunswick Community March For Justice & Peace took place on June 2, traveling from Crossroads Middle School North to Georges Road to Route 522 to Kingston Lane and back to Crossroads North. Dozens of people marched peacefully along the route, according to information provided by the South Brunswick Police Department.

“The walk was well-managed and went off without incident. The rights provided by the 1st Amendment – free speech, assembly, to petition the government with grievances – were exercised without impediment, and more-so, in a safe and civil manner,” Mayor Charles Carley said.

Superintendent of Schools Scott Feder released his own statement in reaction to recent protests to condemn racism and hate.

“As I sit here trying to come to terms with all of the actions of the past days that followed the tragic death of George Floyd, I have overwhelming feelings that include grief, sorrow, outrage and dismay, as I am sure I am echoing the feelings of our entire school community,” Feder said in a letter posted on the school district’s website. “So many times we hear from both parents and students about the racial challenges and hardships that students of color face both inside and outside of our schools. As you know, we continue to deal with equity in our schools and it remains a core component of our Strategic Plan, but is that enough? How many times do we have to see another senseless act of a black man or woman die at the hands of hate before we respond?

“I ask all families and all of our teachers to take time to reflect on the recent death of George Floyd and discuss the implications, and more importantly discuss how our children can eventually be part of the change that is so desperately needed. We have to make a commitment that lives on through this most recent tragedy and make sure we do not forget. Change is needed, so let’s all be part of that change here in South Brunswick. Too often we hear this message, too often we then forget it. We must do better!” he said.