Jamesburg mayor, council take stand against injustice and intolerance

JAMESBURG–With some social distancing restrictions still in place due to the COVID-19 crisis, along with statewide and nationwide protests occurring in response to racial injustice, Jamesburg Mayor Marlene Lowande and the Borough Council issued a statement asking residents to stand together.

“We are a community that stands together. Never has this quality been more important than in times of crisis. We are all hurting. We are all wounded. We are all scared. We all react differently to fear and pain, and too often that puts us at odds with one another. As public servants, we are here to help our community come together and stand together proudly through our darkest days.

“A threat to our public health has closed our public places. Those pillars of our community, our businesses, our schools, our library, our events, are not available for us to gather in or around. Despite our distancing and isolation, we have watched our community become more caring, more giving and more connected than ever.

“When we are able to gather again, we want every resident and business to be with us, bonded more strongly because of what we have endured together.

“As tensions rise and divides deepen, we strive for our community to demonstrate that despite differences, diverse races, varied religions, generation gaps, language barriers, all sexual orientations and gender identities and every part of the political spectrum. We live in harmony to care for and support one another. Our first responders protect our citizens now, as always, with regard for everyone’s equal rights and humanity. Our police department is the cornerstone of our commitment to a safe, just and peaceful community.

“Although we are separated physically, we are together against injustice and intolerance. We respect all creeds, beliefs and backgrounds, and we uphold the rights of all citizens to peacefully express their minds and exercise their rights.

“We are proud to serve the tight-knit town of Jamesburg, the great State of New Jersey, and the United States of America. We will be back, we will be better than ever, and we will always stand together in solidarity.”