Examiner News Briefs, June 24

Allentown Police Department Detective Anthony Rando received the Traffic Safety Specialist, Level I leadership designation during the New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association online event held June 3, according to borough officials.

The Traffic Safety Specialist (TSS) program was brought to New Jersey from Maryland to recognize police officers who have attained notable experience, education, training and proficiency in highway safety enforcement methods and procedures, according to information posted on Allentown’s website.

Officers are approved based on documented training, employment records, service awards and sponsorship of employers. Level 1 requirements include three years of independent patrol experience, speed detection device certification, standard field sobriety certification and 30 points of earned electives. One elective point is awarded for each year of military service. Also, points are obtained for documented college experience, according to the website.


On behalf of the Monmouth County Board of Agriculture, Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone and Freeholder Lillian G. Burry recently received the donation of 2,000 cloth face masks, courtesy of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and Secretary Douglas H. Fisher, for the county’s agricultural community.

“The masks will help agricultural businesses throughout the county comply with COVID-19 guidelines implemented by the state,” Arnone said. “I commend the department for reaching out to our Board of Agriculture and would like to thank Secretary Fisher and his staff for assisting the county’s large community of growers.”

The department, in partnership with the New Jersey Agricultural Society and the New Jersey Farm Bureau, secured cloth face masks from the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management to be used for agricultural purposes, according to a press release.

Monmouth County growers who are interested in obtaining cloth face mask may contact the Grown in Monmouth team at [email protected] or 732-431-7470.