Wellspring Center for Prevention, North Brunswick Library offer virtual toolkit for adjusting to ‘new normal’

Wellspring Center for Prevention will present a free virtual “Toolkit for Success” focusing on adjusting to our “new normal” at 7 p.m. on June 23.

Nicki Francis, coordinator of Program and Professional Development; and Mara Carlin, coordinator of Coalition and Community Programs, will discuss topics such as loss, stress management and how to reach out for help if it is needed. Participants will leave with a new set of “tools” to think about and use during these trying times.

To join tune into Zoom, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2732010150?pwd=TUlQWDVqNnVtV0hhVE5MZHo4TzF5Zz09

Meeting ID: 273 201 0150

Password: 926109

Everyone is welcome.

For more information, email [email protected]