Armchair gallery showcases 143 images from Phillips Mill Gallery

The 27th Phillips Mill Photographic Exhibition is a photo show traditionally showcased in the Phillips Mill Gallery in New Hope, Pennsylvania, but it is in an online gallery form this year due to the pandemic.
Juror Emmet Gowin, formerly professor of Art at Princeton University, selected 143 out of 1,000 images submitted from professional and amateur photographers from 13 states and three countries.
The Spencer Saunders Award Winner, Michael Marks, shoots with black and white film and prefers more candid “street” and “environmental” (urban architecture and candids in urban settings) photography. He exhibits locally and internationally and has taught at DelVal and Temple University. He loves black andw hite photography and has built a darkroom wherever he’s lived. His website is  His award-winning photo is Cowgirl, Middletown Grange Fair.
Honorable Mention Award Winner, JP Terlizzi, said: “Much of my work explores themes of memory, relationship and identity. My images are rooted in the personal and heavily influenced around the notion of home, legacy and family. I am curious how the past relates and intersects with the present and how that impacts and shapes one’s identity. Deb at Window is from an ongoing series, Dandelions Are Not Weeds. The series speaks to a time in my life that is filled with personal metamorphosis, impermanence and uncertainties; the imagery from the series finds beauty in the gaps and margins and the meditative qualities in solitary reveries. Specifically, the images serve as a means to process personal loss and transitions providing solace in the reshaping of one’s relational environment.”

Stephen Lease won an Honorable Mention Award for Untitled 3.
An armchair gallery is available at
A video of the award-winning images are available at
All work is for sale. Email any inquiries to [email protected].