Allentown will seek bids for improvements to Pondview Drive

ALLENTOWN – A project that will see improvements made to a street in Allentown has taken a step forward.

During the July 14 meeting of the Borough Council, members of the governing body authorized the Roberts Engineering Group, the borough’s engineer, to put the Pondview Drive improvement project out to bid.

Council President Robert Strovinsky, Councilman Dan Payson, Councilman John A. Elder III, Councilwoman Martha Johnson, Councilwoman Angela Anthony and Councilman Michael Drennan voted “yes” on a motion to pass a resolution to seek bids.

Following the meeting, Strovinsky told the Examiner that Allentown has been awarded $225,000 through the New Jersey Department of Transportation Trust Fund to make improvements to Pondview Drive between North Main Street and the cul-de-sac.

“The borough anticipates advertising the contract for bid toward the end of the summer. This will allow for construction to start by the fall. Construction could be completed before the end of the year if weather permits.

“The improvements will include the replacement of damaged curbs and sidewalks, the replacement of inlet castings and repaving the entire road. Only the damaged sections of curbs and sidewalks will be replaced,” Strovinsky said.

He said municipal officials “want to make sure the sidewalks are safe. That is our No. 1 priority, to make Pondview Drive a safe street.”

During public comment, Linda Cotte of Pondview Drive noted that she brought the conditions on Pondview Drive to the attention of borough officials in 2017 and 2018.

Upon hearing the borough will seek bids for the improvements, Cotte said, “I want to thank Councilman Strovinsky for his hard work and dedication in getting this project approved.”

During his opening remarks at the meeting, Mayor Thomas Fritts said municipal officials have been receiving reports of vehicles speeding on Main Street and on Church Street.

He said speeding is not only an issue in Allentown, but across the state.

“Police officers’ attention in some cases is on the pandemic,” Fritts said. “Police across the state are dealing with the coronavirus. But our officers are pulling trucks over on Main Street, specifically construction vehicles. This continues to be a priority and it is being addressed.”