
Opinion: Neighbors of Franklin/Maple site should ask questions regarding overlay ordinance

On July 13, the Municipality of Princeton introduced draft Ordinance 2020-25. This proposed overlay ordinance, as written, allows for up to 160 apartments to be built on the Franklin/Maple site, which is between Witherspoon Street and Jefferson Road.

Pursuant to proposed Ordinance 2020-25, the municipality could add up to 80 market rate apartments to the 80 affordable apartments that are currently designated for this site. Therefore, proposed Ordinance 2020-25, if adopted, would allow for up to 160 apartments.

The site is approximately 3.2 acres.

I suggest that the residents of the neighboring streets contact the mayor and council if you have questions or concerns.

I, myself, have been in communication with the mayor and council regarding the draft ordinance and have asked my questions and raised my concerns.

Michael Floyd