Allentown council members commend police officer

ALLENTOWN – The Borough Council has commended Allentown Police Department Detective Anthony Rando for a professional achievement.

During a recent meeting of the governing body, council members passed a resolution which notes that Rando received the Traffic Safety Specialist – Level One leadership designation during a New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association event on June 3.

The Traffic Safety Specialist program was brought to New Jersey from Maryland to
help recognize police officers who have attained notable experience, education, training and proficiency in highway safety enforcement methods and procedures, according to the resolution.

The Level One requirements include three years of independent patrol experience,
speed detection device certification, standard field sobriety certification and 30 points of
earned electives, according to the resolution.

The voluntary program was initially piloted through the Ocean County Traffic Officers
Association in February 2016 and now there are more than 150 awardees in New Jersey.

Mayor Thomas Fritts and the council members commended Rando “for his attainment of this new leadership designation and the distinction this gives to the Allentown
Police Department.”

In other business, council members authorized payment No. 4 to be made to Pact Two, LLC, for improvements the firm is constructing at Allentown’s wastewater treatment plant on Breza Road.

According to a resolution, Pact Two requested payment for work completed through July 2 for yard piping and valves, electrical duct banks, integrated fixed film activated sludge system (IFAS) equipment, and concrete installation of the IFAS and sludge tanks.

A payment in the amount not to exceed $439,334 was authorized for the company as borough officials confirmed the project is advancing as scheduled.

Finally, the members of the governing body passed a resolution removing 159 S. Main St. from Allentown’s vacant and abandoned property list.

The borough’s designated public officer previously recommended that the property be included on Allentown’s abandoned property list – which gives public officials the right to take certain actions – given that the property qualified as “abandoned property” as that term is defined in state law, according to the resolution.

Officials reported they received a request to remove the property from the abandoned property list and with no objection from the mayor, council members or the borough attorney, council members voted to remove 159 S. Main St. from the list and to “relinquish all claims, interests, and/or rights of action (Allentown) had or may have had against the property as a result of its inclusion on the borough’s abandoned property list.”