Millstone officials sign off on completion or road improvements

MILSTONE – Officials in Millstone Township have announced the completion of an $879,408 program that was implemented to improve Millstone’s roads in 2019.

On July 15, Township Committee members approved a final change order in a contract with the Earle Asphalt Company for Millstone’s 2019 road improvement program. According to a resolution, the company has completed the project.

The original contract for the project totaled $810,313. The change order added $69,095 to the cost, for a total of $879,408. That was the only change order associated with the road improvements.

According to the resolution, the increase in the contract was the result of changes in the as-built quantities of the road repair at Graham Place and the additional resurfacing of Prodelin Way and Agress Road.

In other business, committee members authorized the submission of a strategic plan to receive a $6,000 grant from the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse during the 2020-25 grant cycle.

The grant includes $4,500 of in-kind services and $1,500 in cash and is intended to be allocated toward the Millstone Municipal Alliance in 2021 if it is received, according to a resolution.

The resolution states that the purpose of the municipal alliance is to educate and engage residents, local government and law enforcement officials, schools, nonprofit organizations, the faith community, parents, youths and others in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse.