Opinion: Crisis with post office has dire economic impacts

The current crisis with the U.S. Postal Service is a clear attempt by the Trump Administration to steal the upcoming election. However, there are other dire economic effects that are impacting Americans on a daily basis.

It took two weeks for a much-needed client check to arrive in my mailbox from New Hampshire. How many Americans who need such payments to cover basic costs are similarly affected? Serious delays in delivering medications have been reported, putting thousands at risk. What about supplies and manufacturing parts to be delivered to essential services such as hospitals and to businesses large and small?

Over 4,000 baby chicks died in delayed shipment to Maine farmers. Small businesses that rely on the USPS for delivery and cannot afford to use more expensive services such as FedEx and UPS are suffering, as are online marketplaces such as eBay and etsy.

These are just a few of the economic and social crises created by this corrupt manipulation of the USPS for political purposes. The impact will only increase as this crisis continues.

And continue it will, as Republicans care only about retaining power. Apparently, Trump, with his self-proclaimed business acumen, failed to consider this side effect of his power grab, nor did he care.

Anne Sweeney
Monmouth Junction